5 Most Powerful Hero Push Tower in Mobile Legends, Which's your flagship?

Mobile Legends is a team strategy game in which the goal of each team is to destroy the opponent's base so that it can win the game. Before you can destroy your opponent base, you are obliged to destroy the tower around the enemy area. The more towers you destroy the greater the chance of winning.
In Mobile Legends there are some heroes that ViuDroid thinks is the most powerful way to do push tower. These heroes will be very useful if one day the team is in a state of urgency, they can easily balance the game by stealing the tower of the enemy secretly with their unique ability. Here's ViuDroid for a little information about the 5 Best Hero Push Tower in Mobile Legends, check out.

Most Powerful Hero Push Tower in Mobile Legends

1. Zilong

Who the hell is not with this one hero. Zilong is one of the heroes that you can get for free when you first complete the exercise. Although the hero is free, Zilong skill can not be underestimated. Ultimate ability of his able to provide attack speed and movement speed is higher, so this hero will be very good to do push. The damage generated by Zilong is also quite large, so able to finish one tower with just a few attacks.

2. Layla

Similar to Zilong, Layla is also a hero that can be obtained for free. Layla is very good as a hero push tower because of its wide range of attacks , large damage and fast attack speed. If it is in level max Layla able to destroy the enemy tower without any help minions one, this is because Layla has a very wide range of attacks that can shoot tower from afar without having to enter the tower area.

3. Roger

Roger is a hero in Mobile Legends with a special ability where he can play Marksman or a Fighter . When a Fighter, attack speed owned roger will increase thanks to the skill 2 he has. With a high attack speed, Roger was able to destroy the enemy tower with just a few scratches.

4. Natalia

Natalia is one of the Assassin's hero types in Mobile Legends. As an Assassin-type hero, Natalia is certainly equipped with great damage and unique ability, where he can disappear for 5 seconds after coming out of the bushes.

When in invisible mode, Natalia would be very dangerous for enemy heroes because she could suddenly appear behind and attack her enemy quickly. This is what ViuDroid loves from Natalia, because he can secretly steal enemy towers.

5. Miya

Miya is one of the heroes of the Marksman type known as the crazy attack speed. In addition Miya is also included in one of the easiest heroes to use, that is the reason why Miya is often found in the game. With a super fast attack speed , Miya able to destroy the enemy tower with ease. Moreover, 1 Miya skill is able to make himself shoot 3 targets at the same time, so Miya can push tower while killing minions around the tower area.

Addition: In addition to the five heroes above, there are many more other tower heroes like Karrie, Alucard, Moskov and others. But from everything according to the fifth ViuDroid above was the best.

That's the 5 Best Hero Push Tower in Mobile Legends . What do you think? Do any of the above also often you rely on the game? Do not forget to share your opinion in the comment field yes.

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